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  • Bioactive B-Complex formula
  • Advanced timed release formula with a two-stage delivery system
  • Contains the B Vitamins in methylated, phosphorylated, and coenzyme forms
  • Supports the nervous system and energy production

Zahler B-Complex is formulated with a unique two-stage delivery system, with half of the nutrients released immediately and the other half delayed for sustained benefit and enhanced absorption. This advanced formula includes only body-ready (coenzyme, methylated and phosphorylated) forms that don't require complex conversion. The B vitamins are critical for general well-being and specifically support mood, energy, and nervous system functioning.

Advanced Two Stage Delivery:
Zahler's upgraded Bioactive B Complex is a two-layered tablet with layer 1 (half of the nutrients) released and delivered immediately. The delayed release of layer 2 (the other half of the nutrients) enables sustained benefit. Since the B vitamins are water soluble and quickly metabolized and excreted, the benefits of slow release include more stable blood levels and an increase in the total amount of nutrients being absorbed and utilized.