Mastermind, which includes 5-HTP, Sensoril, Ashwagandha, Vitamin B12 and more, promotes improved mood, energy and mental balance. This potent formula is an all-natural safe supplement, designed to improve and support overall emotional wellbeing. Depression is caused by an imbalance in the brain's neurotransmitters. When you correct the imbalance, you set your mind free. It's like somone finally switched the lights on.
More About Depression:
A variety of factors including genetic makeup, environment, physical condition, mental stressors, and psychological and social factors all interact to affect mood and disposition. Individuals who suffer from depression experience symptoms daily or almost every day for at least two weeks. And not only does a sense of despondency negatively affect the person who is suffering, but it also affects that person’s loved ones. Symptoms interfere with daily activities and include fatigue, a sense of worthlessness, mental numbness, disinterest in activities one previously enjoyed, significant weight gain or weight loss and an inability to sleep or excessive sleeping.